Hier gaat ons!

For the random English person who stumbles on Heregoez, please scroll down. Vir die Afrikaanses, bly hang aan hierdie tak, jy is op die regte plek.👍
Kort en kragtig, Heregoez skribbel oor reis en sommer net ‘n paar ander dinge.
As jy wil sien hoe maklik reis kan wees✈ : Lees my skribbels! ( Jy is dalk net aangenaam verras 😉)
As jy lus het om te lag in jou mou omdat Murphy my pooitjie🧛♂️: Lees defbeslis die skribbels! (Ek het is ‘n groot voorstander daarvan om ‘ongeluk’ in vermaak te verander. Anders het ek niks om te vertel nie 😉)

Oja, daar is ‘n naskrif. Rol tot heel onder.
- Daar kan jy die ‘tag cloud’ sien Hierdie skakels is ‘n neutedop van wat hier te lese is.
- Indien jy van jou foon af lees kan jy heel onder die ‘desktop view’ kies. Myns insiens is dit baie beter as die mobiele een.
For the random English person who stumbles on Heregoez…. there are a few posts for you. All posts related to Africa will be in English just in case some random ‘buitelander’ stumbles onto this blog in search of an African adventure..Just follow the ‘English tab”.
There are quite a few posts in the 👸 Queen’s language related to my travels✈ and how Murphy🧛♂️ loves to ambush me. I love turning my ‘misfortunes into funny stories. However, there are more Afrikaans than English posts (sorry), but you can always use the ‘translate button‘ for the Afrikaans posts. It does a decent job of translating, there are only occasional ‘oopses’ with hilarious results, which should either brighten your day or make you wonder ‘ What idiot wrote this blog’.

And there is a PS.
- If you are reading on your phone, scroll all the way down and choose ‘desktop view’. It looks way better than the mobile one.
- You can also check out the Tag Cloud for links.
And here are my last words, when I look at the analytics page, this one and the Fish River Hiking posts are the most read. This page is the stupidest page on the blog, it is only here so that the blog does not have a blank page. Don’t linger here, rather read something fun, like the time Israel security thought that I might be a terrorist (if you know me, then you know why that is funny). Or go read about how I almost missed my friend’s wedding because of all the stuff Murphy threw at me on the way to Windhoek– it will seem impossible that so many different things can go wrong. Or how similar bad luck ‘tripped’ me in Italy. There are so many better things to read than this page, many of them in English (and for the Afrikaans post, you can use the translate button).
I have stories and tips on Namibia (not just the Fish River Canyon Hike, but also the Kunene Hike and lesser-known spots like Wlotzkasbaken), South Africa, Botswana, and further away about Germany, the UK, Italy, Israel and Turkey. And many of my adventures are related to me travelling alone, so if you are a solo women traveller, I can relate to you.
Palmtrees of the world, South and North of the equator.👇
